Wild Bouquet Collection - Wildflowers 02 (A3)
Celebrating the beauty of wildflowers, this stunning original artwork features traditionally slow-pressed flowers and foliage that have been grown organically in my Worcestershire garden. Presented on handmade fairtrade textured natural-coloured lokta paper. The piece contains pressed buttercups, comfrey, forget-me-nots, linaria, cow parsley, wild geranium, yarrow leaves and grasses.
Finished in a quality UK-made 45x33cm (artwork size A3) FSC certified solid oak frame with glass overlay.
Celebrating the beauty of wildflowers, this stunning original artwork features traditionally slow-pressed flowers and foliage that have been grown organically in my Worcestershire garden. Presented on handmade fairtrade textured natural-coloured lokta paper. The piece contains pressed buttercups, comfrey, forget-me-nots, linaria, cow parsley, wild geranium, yarrow leaves and grasses.
Finished in a quality UK-made 45x33cm (artwork size A3) FSC certified solid oak frame with glass overlay.
The flowers and foliage in this piece are natural; I never use preservatives, sealants, or artificial drying methods. The colours will fade and change over time. To keep your artwork looking at its best for as long as possible, it should be placed out of direct sunlight and away from humid environments.